Lubomír Krčmář


Luboš graduated from the University of West Bohemia in 2009. He is a PhD student now. His research is focused on natural language processing, information retrieval, and semantic similarity of texts of varying length. Especially, he is interested in automatic extraction of collocations and idiomatic expression from large corpora.


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Detection of Semantic Compositionality Using Semantic Spaces

Authors:  Lubomír Krčmář, Karel Ježek, Massimo Poesio
Source:Text, Speech and Dialogue, LNCS, vol. 7499, pp. 353-361, ISBN 978-3-642-32789-6, 2012.
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Determining Compositionality of Word Expressions Using Various Word Space Models and Measures

Authors:  Lubomír Krčmář, Karel Ježek, Pavel Pecina
Source:Proceedings of the Workshop on Continuous Vector Space Models and their Compositionality (ACL), pp. 64-73, 2013, ISBN 978-1-937284-67-1
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Determining Compositionality of Word Expressions Using Word Space Models

Authors:  Lubomír Krčmář, Karel Ježek, Pavel Pecina
Source:Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Multiword Expressions (NAACL), pp. 42-50, 2013, ISBN 978-1-937284-47-3
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Exploration of Semantic Spaces Obtained from Czech Corpora

Authors:  Lubomír Krčmář, Karel Ježek, Miloslav Konopík
Source:Proceedings of the Dateso 2011, April 20-22, pp. 97-107, ISBN 978-80-248-2391-1. CEUR WS Proceedings, vol. 706, pp.97-107, ISSN 1613-0073
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In Czech: Extrakce informací z emailů typu Call for papers

Authors:  Martin Dostal, Karel Ježek, Lubomír Krčmář
Source:ITAT 2010, Informačné technológie – Aplikácie a Teória,Zborník príspevkov prezentovaných na konferencii ITAT, september 2010, ISBN 978-80-970179-3-4.
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Exploration of Semantic Spaces

Authors:  Karel Ježek, Lubomír Krčmář, Miloslav Konopík
Desc.:This work is focused on semantic relations between words and application of these relations in research fields such as information retrieval, machine translation or document clustering.