Mohamed Ebrahim


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Highly Multilingual Coreference Resolution Exploiting a Mature Entity Repository

Authors:  Josef Steinberger, Jenya  Belyaeva, Jonathan Crawley, Leonida Della-Rocca, Mohamed Ebrahim, Maud Ehrmann, Mijail Alexandrov Kabadjov, Ralf Steinberger, Erik var der Goot
Source:In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, pages 254-260. Hissar, Bulgaria, 2011.
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Multilingual Media Monitoring and Text Analysis – Challenges for Highly Inflected Languages

Authors:  Ralf Steinberger, Maud Ehrmann, Julia Pajzs, Mohamed Ebrahim, Josef Steinberger, Marco Turchi
Source:Ralf Steinberger, Maud Ehrmann, Julia Pajzs, Mohamed Ebrahim, Josef Steinberger, Marco Turchi: Multilingual Media Monitoring and Text Analysis – Challenges for Highly Inflected Languages. In: Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD'13), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8082, pages 22-33, ISSN: 302-9743, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40585-3_3, Springer. Pilsen, Czech Republic, 2013.
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