G. Giannakopoulos


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TAC 2011 multiling pilot overview

Authors:  G. Giannakopoulos, M. El-Haj, B.  Favre, M.  Litvak, Josef Steinberger, V.  Varma
Source:In: Proceedings of the Text Analysis Conference 2011, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Gaithersburg, USA, 2012.
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Multi-document multilingual summarization corpus preparation, Part 2: Czech, Hebrew and Spanish

Authors:  M. Elhadad, S. Miranda-Jiménez, Josef Steinberger, G. Giannakopoulos
Source:Elhadad, M., Miranda-Jiménez, S., Steinberger, J. and Giannakopoulos, G.: Multi-document multilingual summarization corpus preparation, Part 2: Czech, Hebrew and Spanish. In: Proceedings of the MultiLing 2013 Workshop on Multilingual Multi-document Summarization, pages 13-19, ACL. Sofia, Bulgaria, 2013.
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