
User Profile Mining, Social Networks

Keywords: user, profile, internet, social network, text mining, natual language processing, clustering
Description: Identification of user profiles based on users' behavior on the web. Practical applications in various knowledge and information management projects.
Status: Finished

People on this project:

Jiří Hynek

Phone: +420 603492837

Jiri, a co-founder of the Text-Mining Research Group, works as a lecturer at the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering. His research interests include machine learning and language-related problems. Jiri’s teaching activity is focused on good writing style and technical writing in general.

Petr Grolmus


Petr used to be a co-founder of the Text-Mining research group. His interest was mainly focused on the identification of user profiles based on users behavior on the Web.

Karel Ježek

Phone:  +420 377632475

Karel is the former group coordinator and a supervisor of PhD students working at research projects of this Group.



A Web-Based User-Profile Generator: Foundation for a Recommender and Expert Finding System

Authors:  Petr Grolmus, Jiří Hynek, Karel Ježek
Source:Proceedings of the 8th ICCC International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Universidade of Brasília - UnB, Brazil, ISBN 85-88130-02-05
Download: download Full text [143 kB]

In Czech: Vyhledávání častých frází pro generování uživatelských profilů

Authors:  Petr Grolmus, Jiří Hynek, Karel Ježek
Source:Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Information Technologies – Applications and Theory – ITAT 2003, Sliezsky dom, Slovakia. Peter Vojtáš (Ed.), Slovakia, ISBN 80-7097-564-4
Download: download Full text [210 kB]

User Profile Identification Based on Text Mining

Authors:  Petr Grolmus, Jiří Hynek, Karel Ježek
Source:Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Information Systems Implementation and Modelling – ISIM ‘03 Brno, Czech Republic. Miroslav Beneš (Ed.). MARQ, Czech Republic, ISBN 80-85988-84-4
Download: download Full text [332 kB]

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Size:2 kB
Desc:This software has been developed within the project 2C06009 co-funded by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic. It consists of four modules that allow for a scientometric analysis of DBLP and CiteSeer data. Data from these two digital bibliographic libraries can be imported into a relational SQL database and thoroughly examined. This software implements novel evaluation methods that enable creating rankings of influential researchers by mining from the above digital libraries.
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Size:2 kB
Desc:This software applies a novel method called "time-aware PageRank" to analyze bibliographic citation networks.
Related:  User Profile Mining, Social Networks