Determining Compositionality of Word Expressions Using Various Word Space Models and Measures

Determining Compositionality of Word Expressions Using Various Word Space Models and Measures

This paper presents a comparative studyof 5 different types of Word Space Models(WSMs) combined with 4 differentcompositionality measures applied to thetask of automatically determining semanticcompositionality of word expressions.Many combinations of WSMs and measureshave never been applied to the taskbefore.The study follows Biemann and Giesbrecht(2011) who attempted to find a listof expressions for which the compositionalityassumption – the meaning of an expressionis determined by the meaning ofits constituents and their combination –does not hold. Our results are very promisingand can be appreciated by those interestedin WSMs, compositionality, and/orrelevant evaluation methods.

Keywords: compositionality, word expression, multiword expression, idiom, MWE, Word Space Model, WSM, measure

Year: 2013

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Authors of this publication:

Lubomír KrÄmář


Luboš graduated from the University of West Bohemia in 2009. He is a PhD student now. His research is focused on natural language processing, information retrieval, and semantic similarity of texts of varying length. Especially, he is interested in automatic extraction of collocations and idiomatic expression from large corpora.

Karel Ježek

Phone:  +420 377632475

Karel is the former group coordinator and a supervisor of PhD students working at research projects of this Group.

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