Author ranking based on personalized PageRank

Author ranking based on personalized PageRank

In this paper we evaluate citation networks of authors, publications and journals, constructed from the ISI Web of Science database (Computer Science categories). Our aim was to find a method with which to rank authors of scientific papers so that the most important occupy the top positions. We utilized a hand-made list of authors, each of whom have received an ACM Fellowship or have been awarded by an ACM SIG (Artificial Intelligence or Hardware categories). The developed method also included the adoption of the PageRank algorithm, which can be considered a measure of prestige, as well as other measures of significance (h-index, publication count, citation count, publication's author count), with these measures analyzed regarding their influence on the final rankings. Our main objective, to determine whether a better author ranking can be obtained using journal values, was achieved. The best of our author ranking systems was obtained by using journal impact values in PageRank, which was applied to a citation network of publications. The effectiveness of the ranking system was confirmed after calculations were carried out involving authors who were awarded after the final year used in our dataset or who were awarded in selected categories.

Keywords: Citation analysis; Author ranking; PageRank; H-index; Impact Factor; ISI Web of Science

Year: 2015

Journal ISSN: 1751-1577
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Authors of this publication:

Michal Nykl


Michal is researcher at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (Czech Republic). He is Software engineer and his interest is focused on the Graph structure mining algorithms, which are used for Social network analysis, Text-mining, NPL and similar problems.

Michal Campr


Michal graduated from the University of West Bohemia in 2011, specialized in software engineering. He is interested in text summarization.

Karel Ježek

Phone:  +420 377632475

Karel is the former group coordinator and a supervisor of PhD students working at research projects of this Group.

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Desc.:Application of the PageRank algorithm and its modifications to the exploration of network structures, particularly citation and co-autorship networks.