Roman Tesař

Phone: +420 377632479

Roman graduated at the University of West Bohemia in 2003, specialized in software engineering. Currently, he is a PhD student focused on internet document filtering, web mining, text classification and generally information retrieval. He also examines the possible utilization and inluence of word n-grams on the areas mentioned above.


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In Czech: Extrakce N-gramů z rozsáhlých textů

Authors:  Zdeněk Češka, Ivo Hanák, Roman Tesař
Source:Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference ZNALOSTI 2008, Bratislava, Slovakia, pp. 54-65, February 2008. ISBN 978-80-227-2827-0.
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In Czech: Rozšíření bag-of-words modelu dokumentu: srovnání bigramů a 2-itemsetů

Authors:  Roman Tesař, Massimo Poesio, Václav Strnad, Karel Ježek
Source:In Proceedings of Znalosti 2007 Conference, Ostrava, Czech Republic, pp. 131-142, ISBN 978-80-248-1279-3, February 2007.
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Knowledge-poor Multilingual Sentence Compression

Authors:  Josef Steinberger, Roman Tesař
Source:In Proceedings of 7th Conference on Language Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, December 2007, pp. 369-379, The Egyptian Society of Language Engineering.
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Teraman: A Tool for N-gram Extraction from Large Datasets

Authors:  Zdeněk Češka, Ivo Hanák, Roman Tesař
Source:Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (IEEE ICCP 2007), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 209-216, September 2007. ISBN 978-1-4244-1491-8.
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Extending the Single Words-Based Document Model: A Comparison of Bigrams and 2-Itemsets

Authors:  Roman Tesař, Massimo Poesio, Václav Strnad, Karel Ježek
Source:The 2006 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering(DocEng’06), Amsterdam, Netherlands, ACM press (New York, NY, USA), ISBN 1-59593-515-0, pages 138-146.
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Extracting Information from Web Content and Structure

Authors:  Dalibor Fiala, Roman Tesař, Karel Ježek, François Rousselot
Source:Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Information Systems Implementation and Modelling ISIM’06, Přerov, Czech Republic, pp. 133-140, 2006. (ISBN 80-86840-19-0)
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Influence of Word Normalization on Text Classification

Authors:  Michal Toman, Roman Tesař, Karel Ježek
Source:InSciT 2006, Proceeding of Multidisciplinary Approaches to Global Information Systems, vol II, Merida, Spain
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A comparison of two algorithms for discovering repeated word sequences

Authors:  Roman Tesař, Dalibor Fiala, François Rousselot, Karel Ježek
Source:The 6th International Conference on Data Mining, Text Mining and their Business Applications (Data Mining 2005), Skiathos, Greece, ISBN 1-84564-017-9, pages121-131, WIT Transaction on Information and Communication Technologies, ISSN 1743-3517.
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In Czech: Klasifikace Suffix Tree frázemi - srovnání s metodou Itemsets

Authors:  Roman Tesař, Karel Ježek
Source:Znalosti 2005 conference, Stará Lesná, Slovakia, ISBN 80-248-0755-6, pages 144-153.
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Document Classification

Authors:  Jiří Hynek, Karel Ježek, Michal Toman, Roman Tesař, Zdeněk Češka, Petr Grolmus
Desc.:Use of inductive machine learning methods in classification of short text documents.

Extracting Information from Web Content and Structure

Authors:  Dalibor Fiala, Roman Tesař, Karel Ježek
Desc.:This project deals with classification of Web documents and determination of authoritative Web sites. It was supported in part by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic under grant FRVS 1347/2005/G1.

Internet Content Filtering

Authors:  Roman Tesař, Karel Ježek
Desc.:This project includes Web sites processing, analyzing, classification by means of their content and searching for other Web sites with similar content.